

商务办公室是在学费支付和退款方面寻求帮助的地方, Quikpay, 还有你的校园卡账户.

We recognize that a college education is a major investment for students and their families. 这里是地标学院, we try to limit our fee increases and be as generous as possible with our payment schedules. But we also need to ensure that we have the funds on hand to meet our promises to our students, 并为我们的教育项目提供支持. Our goal is to make our programs as flexible as possible to meet individual student needs, and our Business Office team is here to make the process of 支付 and refunds as easy as possible.

Landmark College’s financial aid packages typically consist of a mix of 状态 and federal grants and loans, 以及高达42美元的大学奖学金支持,000. 的 财政援助办事处 is ready to assist you in funding your education at Landmark College and to share a wide variety of funding sources available to you.


Quikpay is the College’s convenient online system for credit card, debit card, and e-check 支付. 它可以用来支付学费和杂费,并为学生证增值. Students can set up authorized payers—such as parents—who will receive billing notification via email. 他们将能够进行在线支付, 每天24小时检查账单和付款记录, 每周7天.

Quikpay accepts 签证, MasterCard, 发现, 美国运通, and e-check for all 支付. 注:A 2.70%服务费适用于用于支付学费的信用卡付款, not for campus card additions; there is no service fee for e-checks. 学生可以通过他们的 地标书院内联网帐户,其授权付款人可透过 Quikpay.

Please note that Quikpay is the only way the College can accept credit or debit card 支付, 由于隐私(FERPA)规定,学生必须单独授权付款人.

(When 搜索ing for our payment system, please note that it’s spelled “Quikpay,” not “Quickpay.”)


让我们的学生和他们的家庭更容易支付大学费用, Landmark College has a tuition payment service that offers a monthly payment plan for academic fees. Information on this service is included in each student’s enrollment agreement package and can be found online at the Quikpay 网站.


任何学生在任何学期逾期付款,将被收取1英镑的滞纳金.5% on any unpaid overdue balance on the first of each month (that’s an annual rate of 18%). 无论逾期金额多少,最低滞纳金为50美元. 另外, 由主管行政和财务的副总统决定, any student who does not make satisfactory payment arrangements with the Office of Administration and Finance in any given term may be required to leave the College and forfeit all deposits, 支付, 还有那学期的课程学分. 没有学习成绩记录, 成绩单, or other academic records will be released for any student whose accounts are not fully paid.


在第三份拒付声明之后, 学院一般会将账户转给第三方催收机构.


国际学生可以使用Quikpay查看账单, 但是Quikpay不能用于国际支付. 对于国际支付,学生可以使用 peerTransfer 进行低成本的银行电汇. 使用peerTransfer, 学生可以节省银行费用和汇率, 跟踪付款从开始到结束, 并有专门的客户支持协助.

Students new to Landmark College receive a payment calendar and specific payment instructions with their enrollment agreement. 以前注册的学生被要求按照以下时间表付款. 的 enrollment deposit must be received before a student will be allowed to register for courses that semester.

日期 到期金额 解释
2023年4月15日 $750.00 秋季入学保证金
2023年8月1日 $42,287.00 秋季学期付款


自愿退学的学生, 出于医疗原因, 情节严重的,不予收取报名费和入学保证金, 但可能会收到部分学费退款, 房间, 还有伙食费, 如下所述.*

A 100% (less any deposit paid) refund will be issued if the student withdraws in writing prior to the start of 夏天的计划 offered by Landmark College or 1项 classes. 课程开始后,学费将不予退还, 不管学生是否上过课.

退款请求应以书面形式提交给财务副总裁. 如果授予, refunds will be remitted by check from Landmark College to the person designated as the responsible payor.

当总费用由不止一个人或实体支付时, 授予的退款金额将支付给被列为责任付款人的一方.

当退学学生累积了未付的帐单或罚款, 退款将按所欠金额扣除.

当任何授权退款代表, 全部地或部分地, 任何私人的收益, 状态, 或者联邦财政援助, 退款金额将根据适用的联邦退款公式计算.

学费不予退还, 房间, 当学生被学校停学或开除时,需要支付食宿费用. Any unpaid student account balance at the time of suspension/expulsion must be paid in full.

第一周上课 80%
第二周上课 60%
第三周上课 40%
第四周上课 20%
第四周上课后 0%


Applications for refunds must be made in writing to the Office for Administration and Finance.

任何已批准的退款金额将从未付账单金额中扣除, 罚款及其他收费.

退款 will be issued by check to the individual or entity listed as the Responsible Payor.

If all or part of the refundable fees represents the proceeds of any federal financial aid, 退款将基于适用的联邦退款公式.



我们鼓励学生在Landmark College开设校园卡账户. This account (accessible through the student ID card) allows students to make purchases at the College 书店, 炉边咖啡馆, 饮料和零食自动售货机, 食堂, 参加校外活动. 的 校园卡帐户 is a convenient way for students to purchase books and supplies at the beginning of the semester, as well as to ensure access to spending money for snacks and supplies during the semester. 资金可以在任何时候添加到帐户(见常见问题).


学院不会从校园账户中预支现金, 校园卡不能在自动取款机上使用. 如果你需要现金,你有以下选择:

  • ATMs are available in the 餐厅 Hall (校友 Hall) entryway and on the first floor of the Strauch Family Student Center. 这些机器几乎接受任何信用卡或借记卡. 交易费用是2美元.00美元加上你的银行可能收取的任何费用. 的 ATM is sponsored by Prosperity Bank and accepts the following cash networks: MasterCard, 卷云, 签证, +, 美国运通, 发现, 明星, 脉冲, NYCE, CUZ4, AFFN, Accel, 追求, 和Shazar.
  • 学院书店提供支票兑现服务. (见 政策.)
  • 你可以在当地银行开一个银行账户. 以下银行在普特尼设有分行:
    • 人民联合银行
    • 河谷信用社


  • 作为Landmark学院的学生, your student ID card is automatically set up to be used as a Campus Card if you choose to do so. All you need to do is add funds to the card through Quikpay (see Quikpay tab above) or via another method as described below.

    校园卡与您的地标学院学生证相同. 这张卡也是你的 膳食计划 门禁卡和楼宇门禁卡.

    如果你是 新学生 如果你还没有到校,你可以在你到校之前把钱存入你的校园账户.

  • 客人付款人或没有Quikpay账户的新生 可以使用 Quikpay 使用电子支票或签证、万事达、发现或美国运通付款. 你需要知道学生的身份证号码和生日. 使用这项服务不收取信用卡服务费. 资金将在下一个工作日结束前存入校园账户.

    Quikpay授权用户 可以登录到 Quikpay 使用上述任何一种方式付款.

    有Quikpay账户的学生 可以登录到 Quikpay 使用上述任何一种方式付款.

    资金也可以通过邮寄一张以Landmark College为抬头的支票添加到卡中. Please indicate the student’s name and note that it should be applied to the Campus Account.

    资金也可以在 新生注册 通过支票,现金,签证,万事达卡,或发现. 只要在校园卡桌前停一下.

    Funds can be added to the card in person by presenting cash or check to a Business Office associate in the Administration Building.

  • 存入账户的钱相当于“地标点”,,这些资金可以在校内和校外使用(参见 餐厅 详情请参阅网页).

    Money on the Campus Card can be spent in the Landmark College 书店 as well as the Fireside Cafe. 食堂,以及所有的饮料和零食自动售货机. 的re are also a number of off-campus locations that accept the Campus Card, aka “Landmark Points.“不允许购买烟草产品、酒精和汽油.

  • Your account balance appears on your receipt after making a purchase with your Campus Card. 学生也可以通过以下方式在线查看账户余额 SharkNet.

  • 如果学生计划返回学院, 这笔钱将留在卡上,等学生回来时再用. 如果学生不打算返回学院, 所有未使用的资金都记入学生的学费账户. Any credit balances on the tuition account are refunded several weeks after the end of the semester.

  • 不,学院不会从信用卡中预支现金. 如果学生需要现金, they should use the ATMs located outside the bookstore near the student mailboxes or in the lobby of the 食堂. 校园卡不能在自动取款机上使用. 学生也可以在学院书店兑现支票.

  • 不行,此时校园卡是不兼容的 ChangePoint系统 我们的洗衣机用的. 的 laundry machines accept coins (change machines available in laundry 房间s) or traditional bank debit cards.

  • 秋季或春季学期, 我们建议学生从500到600美元开始, 哪一个应该够书用, 一些供应, 还有一些额外的开支. 对于夏季项目,100美元是一个不错的起始金额. 书店也接受现金、支票、签证和万事达卡.
